
Tentang Sabilillah

1) Yayasan Sabilillah Malang berasas Islam berdasarkan Al-Qur’an dan Al Hadits berhaluan
Ahlussunah Wal Jama’ah an Nahdliyah;

2) Yayasan Sabilillah Malang berdasarkan Pancasila dan Undang-Undang Dasar 1945.

Agenda Kami

Agenda Kegiatan Yayasan Sabilillah Malang

Bidang Keagamaan

Agenda Kegiatan Bidang Keagamaan Yayasan Sabilillah Malang

Bidang Pendidikan

Agenda Kegiatan Bidang Pendidikan Yayasan Sabilillah Malang

Bidang Sosial

Agenda Kegiatan Bidang Sosial Yayasan Sabilillah Malang


Mutiara Kalam

“ A tale of a fateful trip that started from this tropic port aboard this tiny ship today still wanted by the government they survive as soldiers of fortune to a deluxe apartment in the sky moving on up to the east side a family. ”

Shawn Michael
Founder, Mnc Inc.

“ A tale of a fateful trip that started from this tropic port aboard this tiny ship today still wanted by the government they survive as soldiers of fortune to a deluxe apartment in the sky moving on up to the east side a family. ”

Rashed Ka.
Founder, Mnc Inc.

“ A tale of a fateful trip that started from this tropic port aboard this tiny ship today still wanted by the government they survive as soldiers of fortune to a deluxe apartment in the sky moving on up to the east side a family. ”

Mahfuz Riad
Founder, Mnc Inc.

Dewan Pembina

Ketua Dewan Pembina dan Ketua Bidang Yayasan Sabilillah Malang

The government they survive as soldiers of fortune.

Prof. Dr. H. Ahmad Rofi’uddin, M.Pd
Ketua Dewan Pembina

The government they survive as soldiers of fortune.

KH. Mochamad Anas Basori, Lc
Ketua I Bidang Peribadatan

The government they survive as soldiers of fortune.

Prof. Dr. H. Ibrahim Bafadal, M.Pd
Ketua II Bidang Pendidikan

The government they survive as soldiers of fortune.

Prof. M. Masud Said, MM, Ph.D
Ketua III Bidang Sosial

Konsultasi Gratis